Learning Outcome

My experience in the program has been nothing less than amazing. I learned so much within these past two years. From the theories of communication to organizational communication to strategic communication. I was unaware of all the ways communication could so many different connections. Each course served a different purpose to help bring understanding to communications. Below are the topics that stuck out the most to me and made an impact for me in this program.

COM 601- This course has really opened my eyes to how we communicate but more importantly how the message is received from others. I found it very interesting how someone can say one thing but we all understand it differently.

COM 610- In this course, I learned the real true importance of leadership and the role communication plays.

COM 613- Applying Theory to Practice/ Habermas Theory of Communicative Action

COM 616- This course brought awareness to interpersonal communication ethics and the affect it has on the different types of relationships.

COM 624- I learned the growth and importance of social media communication.

COM 629- This course was more personal as it made me self reflect on my personal leadership skills.

COM 638- I learned how to create a strategic communication plan and how to connect with a global audience.

COM 655- I learned about online communication and how new media has an affect on relationships.

COM 658- I learned a lot about my creative process by engaging in the activities and reflections related to the personal creativity logs.

COM 664- I learned how the organizational identity and brand strategy and practices and how different brands are using new media to their advantages.

Overall, this program has taught me how to better my time management skills, improved both my writing and communication skills and most importantly, my critical thinking skills. I feel I am well prepared to land a dream career within the communication and or human resources field. I am forever thankful for the skill set and guidance that was provided for me from my professors to help me successfully graduate.

Grad Pic

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