Constructing Messages and Audiences- Fall 2018

Applying Theory to Practice

Habermas Theory of Communicative Action

-Intelligibility: Both sender and receiver can physically understand and mutually agree upon the meaning of the message

-Truth: Both sender and receiver agree that possible truth exists in the message

-Truthfulness: Both sender and receiver demonstrate trust toward one another

Legitimacy: Both sender and receiver accept the message as valid.


Please see presentation link below, enjoy!

Applying Theory to Practice

What I learned about this content by making this presentation is the important of Social Capital and how there are different roles in this theory. For example, social networks play a role in social capital. Networks are “the embodiment of past success at collaboration” (Luoma- aho, 2009 p. 234). Which also ties in reputation by being the value of public awareness in social networks as they are important to the organization (2009). Public relations play another that helps the understanding of social capital. “Public relations broaden as it shows the long-term effects of social relationships and communities” (Luoma- aho, 2009 p. 237). Both social networks and public relations help bring about the theory of Putnam thinking of social capital. I also learned that ““As a benefit of social capital becomes better known, such (relationships, interactions and collaborations), the importance of social capital for the practice of public relations will increase” (Luoma- aho, 2009 p. 247).

What I learned about media production by making this presentation is that recording yourself is not easy. I earned that I also really do not like hearing the sound of my voice recordings over and over again. I used the voice memo app on my iPhone to record my presentation. While using this app to record, you cannot make any mistakes as there is no way to edit. So, with each take, you have to keep going and make each take a good one. You can only image how many takes I had to record to get the as close to perfect final version. I found a few mistakes in my final version but it is as close to perfect as I could get it with the application I was using. Having the right recording equipment is vital when doing this type of assignment. After listening to myself on the recording, I could hear words I needed to fully pronounce and where I needed to fix my wording or word choice. I also learned how to change up my voice while recording and it gave me a radio feel as I worked on perfecting my recording/radio voice.

I pushed myself beyond my previous skills in media production to complete this project by first creating a SoundCloud account. I’ve never used SoundCloud and by downloading this website and creating an account automatically advanced my media production skills. Before creating an account, I only knew SoundCloud to be a website where artist uploaded their own music with the hopes of turning their dreams into reality. I honestly thought Soundcloud was like a LinkedIn but for artist. I had no idea that I would be creating an account for grad school. I actually took the time out and toured the website to make sure I would know how to use it correctly for this assignment instead of looking for another method to use. I also pushed myself to make my recordings as clear and understanding as possible. Without being able to edit or combine multiple recordings as one, it took extra hard work to complete this oral presentation.

Please take a listen, I hope you like it.“>


Book Review

Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us, by Seth Godin. The Penguin Group: New York, 2008. 151 pages. Reviewed by Taylor Blakeney.

The book Tribes is one of eighteen best-selling books written by Seth Godin. I chose this book to read because it was a best-selling book and I knew it would be interesting being a best-selling book. I also chose this book because of the title. The title itself made me look into what the book would be about. I had no clue what Tribes could be about and that caught my attention. After reading what Tribes was about, that’s how I knew I had to read this book. I automatically assumed that this book would help me to grow into a better leader. As a leader at work and outside of work, I am always striving to be a better leader. So, I wanted to know whether it would truly help mold and grow me into a better leader, or just be a good read. Could this book called Tribes really teach me anything about leadership. As a leader, you know that there is always room for growth, development and improvement and should be eager to become the best leader you can possibly be. Let’s just say I took a chance with this book, Tribes by Seth Godin.

Seth Godin was born in the year of 1960 month of July. He received his undergrad degree from Tufts University and his master’s degree from Stanford Graduate School of Business. Seth is currently a best-selling author, a speaker, as well as an entrepreneur. Seth has written eighteen best-selling books including The Dip, Linchpin and Purple Cow. Seth also founded two companies, Squidoo and Yoyodyne both acquired by Yahoo. As a speaker, Seth has accomplished motivating and inspiring many different people around the world “In 2013, Seth was one of just three professionals inducted into the Direct Marketing Hall of Fame. In an astonishing turn of events, in May 2018, he was inducted into the Marketing Hall of Fame as well. He might be the only person in both.”

The thesis of this book Tribes is to persuade the readers to find a tribe and step up and become the leader of a tribe. “If you think leadership is only for other people, you’re wrong. We need you to lead us.” (12). To be consider a tribe, it only needs a leader, a common interest and a way to communicate. The tribe can very well have more than one leader as well.

This book is unique and does not have chapters. Instead, there are sections with headings for each example, idea or comparison to a tribe. I really enjoyed how Seth planned the layout of this book. By not having long chapters, he gave many examples and ideas to help motivate others. For example, one heading being “Leadership Is Not Management— Management is about manipulating resources to get a known job done. Leadership, on the other hand, is about creating change that you believe in” (14). People often confusion the two positions of a manager and a leader. Seth took it upon himself to really to explain in detail the difference between the two relationships of the manager and the leader.

There is definitely an adequate, consistent development of the thesis. For each example, idea, comparison Seth gives, they all relate back to the importance of a tribe. Each example talks about change, leadership and growth. Many examples being relatable to help others take the responsibility to lead. For example, “Leading from the Bottom— “The skeptical among us look at the idea of leadership and we hesitate. We hesitate because it feels like something we need to be ordained to do. That without authority, we can’t lead. That big organizations reserve leadership for the CEO, not for us.” (19).

I believe Seth purpose for writing this book is to create and motivate new leaders. To persuade others to get out there and make a difference and lead a tribe. He lets the readers know that anyone can be a leader of a tribe, even you. In the very last section of his book he names it “One Last Thing” (147). In this section he says “May I ask you a favor? Give this copy to someone else. Ask them to read it. Beg them to make a choice about leadership. We need them. We need you. Spread the word” (147). Those last few words state his purpose and what he truly wanted to get out of writing this book. I honestly feel that Seth go his point across to the readers and motivated others to go lead.

I do not think Seth was biases throughout this book. However, he did express how important it is to step up and become a leader. By his example, I know for sure he influenced others. For example, in the section “Who settles— Settling is no fun. Managers settle all the time. The art of leadership is understanding what you can’t compromise on” (79). Seth influenced the reading by making them realize settling in life is not the way to go. Like Seth said, “Settling is no fun” (79). Another way Seth influenced his readers is by letting them know you have to first believe in yourself. That’s the first step to starting or leading a tribe. In the section “Something to Believe in” he says “Tribes are about faith—about belief in an idea in a community. And they are grounded in respect and admiration for the leader of the tribe and for other members as well” (9). In this section Seth let the readers know that it will not be easy, but it is very possible to lead a tribe. Also, that “It’s clearly more fun to make the rules than to follow them” (11).

The strengths of this book are the example Seth gave. The examples were very relatable and could really move others to actually go out and lead. Its great motivation to get out and go make a difference in the world. Also, the format of the book. It’s not the tradition chapter book, instead there are just sections that vary from a paragraph to two pages at most. I think all college students to read this upon graduation because of the section “How to Be Wrong” (107). In that short section, Seth tells his readers that failure is good. Being wrong is fine and it’s good to take risks. Leading will not be easy but it will definitely be worth it in the end. Outsiders usually only show the success but never what goes on behind the scenes. Failure is said to be common among successful people and the least talked about. I loved how Seth included a section about being wrong and failure.

From reading this book, I have learned how important is it for me to step up and be a leader. Not only a leader, but the best leader I can be. I learned how it is normal to be different while leading, because if you are not different, “you’d be following, not leading” (146). I learned that I need to use my own vision while leading and not always follow the status quo. Lastly how to be wrong and to own it and to move on, learn and grow from it. While in my leadership roles, I will always remember to follow what I believe in even if it goes against the status quo. Seth made me realize the importance of following my own vision. I would unquestionably recommend this book to colleagues, friends, and family members. I know they would all learn and take something from this book. This book makes you think and often make you relates the examples to your personal life and how you can possibly bring about change. Two thumbs up Seth.


Godin, S. (2008). Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us. New York, NY: The Penguin Group

Godin, S. About the Author. Retrieved from:


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